Monday, May 25, 2009

Muleteer Bob

Academy of Honorable GRAND CANYON MULETEERS, North Rim Trails and Extremities
Henceforth, Cowboy Bob, from this day forth shall be known as a MULETEER BOB, owing to valor, Prowess, Skill and team work with the trusty mount, "Fred". Together, this day of May 23, 2009, they descended the mighty maw, soaring walls and narrow trail, all while displaying unwavering bravery, benevolence and valor. Be it never forgotten on this day, that mule and man descended and ascended in the Grand Canyon, North Rim and thus shall be entitled to accolades, hosannas and bragging rights heretofore forever conferred.


Sayyadina said...

Yay you!

And when I first read the title, I thought it said Mulleteer Bob and expected a "hair-raising" picture from your past!

Desertbound said...

Love it!

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

That's so fun. Awesome.

Bethany said...

Love it. Glad you had such a good time.

Sheri said...

Sounds like an adventure! Great pic!