Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Frightening Thought . . .

Although spring around here can be cold and dark, the bright spirit and thoughts of young students can be refreshing:
We were reviewing a vocabulary list and the word was 'drive'.
"Katie, do you know how to drive a car?" I asked.
(Katie is a ten year old deaf girl I tutor.)
"Not really", she wistfully replied. "Just a toy car on the sidewalk and grass and stuff."
I replied, "Well, when you are sixteen you will learn to drive an adult car." I paused. Then said, "That is a frightening thought, isn't it?"
Katie thought it over a minute, then said, "You don't have to be afraid, Mr. Nelson, 'cuz you'll be dead."


WildBound said...

That's AWESOME!!!! Love it!

Pulcheria said...

Hilarious! Thanks for sharing - needed that laugh today!

Sheri said...

LOL!! Now there is some perspective for you!! :)

Julie said...

It's amazing how old we seem to younger people. I still feel like I am young but to my kids I am ancient! By the way I saw your beautiful artwork at Bethany's. I am so glad you are painting. Bethany and I also discussed the need for a family reunion.

Bethany said...

FUNNY. Love ya.