Last year it was 5 owls. This year, I thought 7 golden eagles were hanging out in the tall trees for a little while. However, after looking in the Field guide, Dreampacker thinks they look like Turkey Vultures. Hmmmm. Any guesses?
They look a little "condor-ish" to me...but I'm no expert...That would be Danny. Really cool! I enjoy being part of the bird migratory path thing...we had a blue heron (I think) in our yard the other day. It was almost as tall as Oakley!
Five senses; an incurably abstract intellect, a haphazardly selective memory; a set of preconceptions and assumptions so numerous that I can never examine more than a minority of them - never become even conscious of them all. How much of total reality can such an apparatus let through? C. S. Lewis
I am known by many names and epithets. I answer to all of them if I hear and know you want me. I look down and wonder. The costume I wear changes without my permission and becomes less functional daily. It is not me. I am a story teller, seeker, trailblazer (in more ways than imagined), lover, teacher, and friend of the Lord. I love mornings, evenings, babies, and old folks. I love youth, energy, faith, and optimism. I love experience, wisdom, and adventure. I love change most of the time, though I do not like aging. I love the outdoors in all seasons in all places. I hate apathy, fear, and all forms of narrow mindedness and judgment. I love love. And light. I love sharing. I love learning. My best teachers are my family. My single best teacher and lover is Dreampacker. I have special yearnings I hope someday to share with others as they become fulfilled. I often feel no one knows me, not the deep, inside, real me. Many see me only as they used to, or expect to, or in the role they think I'm playing. I am more.
They look a little "condor-ish" to me...but I'm no expert...That would be Danny. Really cool! I enjoy being part of the bird migratory path thing...we had a blue heron (I think) in our yard the other day. It was almost as tall as Oakley!
I don't know about the birds, but the "I just caught a fish THIS BIG" picture kills me!!!
Dreampacker's got a good eye.
I agree w/Sayyadina. So, were you doing your Griz stories?
That one is a moose story. Can you see the rack tipped sideways?
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