Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This time it's Vultures

Last year it was 5 owls. This year, I thought 7 golden eagles were hanging out in the tall trees for a little while. However, after looking in the Field guide, Dreampacker thinks they look like Turkey Vultures. Hmmmm. Any guesses?


WildBound said...
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WildBound said...

They look a little "condor-ish" to me...but I'm no expert...That would be Danny. Really cool! I enjoy being part of the bird migratory path thing...we had a blue heron (I think) in our yard the other day. It was almost as tall as Oakley!

Sayyadina said...

I don't know about the birds, but the "I just caught a fish THIS BIG" picture kills me!!!

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

Dreampacker's got a good eye.

I agree w/Sayyadina. So, were you doing your Griz stories?

CowboyBob said...

That one is a moose story. Can you see the rack tipped sideways?