Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Profound Question

While cleaning clogged rain gutters in the storm this morning, I wondered why is it we (I) tend to postpone necessary tasks when they are convenient, till the time they are necessary? You know, like paying taxes on the 15th?


Canyonsrcool said...

Well, just because.

Julie said...

Unfortunately I think they call it...human nature!

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

Or, like, waiting to back-up files until it's 10 min. too late [Grr. Stupid malware.] Yeah. I hear ya.

The Greeks had it nailed with their word metanoeo (trans. in Eng. as "repent"). It literally means "to think about after-the-fact," as in, "I think I should have done this earlier/not done this at all."

Bethany said...

Because there are so many other necessary tasks that needed doing first.

Sheri said...

I am one of those that the quote was made for... "If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done!"
I am glad that Judy is all right and your hearing aid was found - good luck with the stove top!!

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

I recently ran across a quote I'm 99% sure you've read before:

"Eventually, though, awareness must also lead to action. Often we hear our subconscious voices warning us to put a quart of antifreeze in the car or to re-roof the house, but we keep putting it off. Then we are dismayed when the car won't start or the plaster is ruined."