Monday, September 24, 2007

I'm not a poet, either, but . . .

Velvet reds, maroons

Fires orange, showers yellow

Renewing autumn

(a humble attempt at Haiku)


Ahenobarbus Textor said...

When I can see it in my mind, I know it's good. I saw the fall in the canyons. Nice. You even communicated the season, just like the traditional haiku.

Wildman said...

Whats a haiku? jk bob, beautiful.

Pulcheria said...

Very nice, thanks for sharing. I love the imagery.

Sayyadina said...

So a poet. Or a haiku-ist at any rate! Thanks for sharing.

Desertbound said...

Nice, Dad!

DreamPacker said...

FYI, in my senior year Creative Writing class I was the "haiku" editor for the Satorian, the creative writing publication for Skyline High class of '64.

WildBound said...

haiKU! Gesundheit!