Thursday, July 12, 2007

Random Thoughts on Refinishing Cabinets

I refinished all the cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms yesterday. They look new and the wood has a rich tone to it. Nice.

Sometimes I will postpone an event or task such as this one because I don't know the outcome will be beneficial enough to overcome my lethargy. I wonder if I'll approach the resurrection like that?

A new face for the cabinets. Don't we all sometimes desire a new face? Sometimes I am bored with the old one, sometimes I don't like the effects of it. How often did my mother tell me to put on a new face, or put on a happy face?

A new face. Is that why women wear makeup at times? Does it change their emotions or the give and take with their surroundings? What power does that give them? Should men wear makeup?

Do we have different faces for different people, occasions, and different moods? When we change faces, are we being honest?

How often is our face determined by others' expectations or dictated by society?

I want a new face lit by the light of Christ . . . and by my own increased light. Does love put on a new face for us? I think so.

(Shouldn't do repetitive motion tasks late at night when tired. My mind wanders. Or is a wandering mind a good thing?)


WildBound said...

I enjoy reading your words and wanderings.They "provoke" questions, and offer insight and therefore a feeling of closeness into your psyche.

Desertbound said...

Ditto to Wildbound.

Canyonsrcool said...

One part of my mission that I enjoyed was receiving correspondence from you Dad. I always looked forward to hearing from you. I have a lot of what you said saved in one form or another. I think one way to get to know someone well is to write to them and have them write back. Thanks for your thoughts.